The scarf is a take off the OBEY Giant sticker campaign that we found on It entailed two techniques that I had never really tried before and wanted to: intarsia and fair isle knitting. I had to look up a few tutorials on the 'net and in some of my books to get a feel for what I was supposed to be doing and then I really just winged it from there. Let me tell you, it was quite the project. There were times where I wanted so much to just put it away for good, but I stuck through it.
I am sure that to a more seasoned knitter, it is not perfect by any means, but to me, it is the coolest thing and I am so proud of this masterpiece. I learned a lot while knitting this scarf. I am so glad I kept with it and finished it. I can't wait to see him with this baby wrapped lovingly around his neck (for warmth).
Wonder Woman!