Monday, October 10, 2011

Top Apples Up on Top

So, as I began to think what to share from this way, super-duper busy week, everything from family visiting to the University's Homecoming to going to Meridian Mississippi for grocery shopping. Yep, we took Jasper to his first Homecoming Parade which was quite an adventure in its own rite, but i thought since we are trying to share recipe and meal ideas here, why don't I share what happened in Meridian. Let's begin with nothing too exciting happened, but I discovered apple stands. APPLES EVERYWHERE!!! So of course, I got TONS!!!
Now, I have all these apples that I know we won't eat them all before they go bad, so I have been searching for interesting, easy apple recipes. One thing you need to know about me is that I cannot stand pie crust, I will eat the filling but not the crust, blah. Of course I found applesauce cakes, baked apples, apple pies, apple cobbler, apple-stuffed pork chops, and the list goes on and on. But then all of sudden I found the recipe I just had to try.
This cake is from website (a nifty little website I have discovered through my searches) and yes it is an apple cake but different. It is called Warm Caramel Apple Cake!! YUM YUM!!!! Now I have not made this cake yet so I do not know how it taste but man it looks delightful!!! Just check out their picture!!! I think this cake will be made within the next week!!! I will post on how delicous this cake will taste. I will also post the recipe then, the orignal and any changes that I made while preparing the cake. Every cook should be able to modify a recipe to make it their own.
Besides, a dessert recipe (which is way easier to find than anything else with apples), I wanted to find a recipe for a dinner entree, but no luck. If you have one that you would like to share with me, I would appericate it. I am going to make apple stuffing stuffed porky chops this week. Okay so when I have made the cake and the porky chops I will share my own pictures and recipes with you.

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